Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We all strive towards perfection


 We have all had an idea as to what the picture of perfection may be.  Whether it may be through your physical being or mental being.  Most girls want to be model skinny and have a beautiful face.  Most guys want a perfect body that everyone loves.  Usually, one doesn't want to become "perfect" for themselves, they want to achieve "perfection" to please someone else.  Their parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.  We all rarely do things we want to do anymore, our lives seem to revolve around what others think.  Why not become perfect?  Because true perfection doesn't exist.

Nobody living on this earth may become perfect, no matter what he or she does or how hard he or she work towards it.  A human being cannot obtain perfection; every single human being has flaws, cracks in their mirrors to separate themselves from the reflections of others.  Each crack is a unique flaw that a person different from another.  If we all want to be perfect, what would distinguish us from a person across the room?  An American Dream for someone may be to become perfect (a super model or a model) and to be that way for the rest of his or her lives.  Although models may look perfect, they aren't.  As I said before, all human beings have flaws. We can't run from our mistakes, we can't make up for our wrong doings.  They stick with us for the rest of our lives and we have to deal with it.

A way to have stability in a life is to become happy with yourself.  Once you are happy with yourself, you can push out those voices in your head that say, you're fat or that you're ugly.  The only opinion that really truly matters is your own.  No one has control over your thoughts, only you are given the controls.  YOU choose whether you love yourself or not.  You choose whether you want to be happy with your life.  YOU get to choose.  

So why let someone else do your job, when you can complete it so easily?

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