Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We all have some sort of vision as to what our future may be like. Whether it is in our love lives, our social lives, jobs, etc. Everything changes, may it be a positive or a negative change. Nothing can stay the same, it's just simply impossible.  We'd all like to think that our lives can stay the same for years and years, but reality has to take the reins and change our course whether we like it or not.  I am not sure where my life is going right now, but I know I have a future.  It may be bright or it may be dark, it all depends on how I act now.  20 years from now I will be 36 (yikes!) and I don't know what life may be like for me or around me.  I do have an idea of what it may look like, and I think it's pretty predictable.

 Now a day, everyone seems to have an iPhone, iPod, or an iPad.  It's just now that there are so many more technological options.  When I was younger, I had my coloring book and my crayons at age 10.  My younger brother got his first phone at the age of 10.  So many people wrap their lives around their own technology.  Video games, plasma flat screen TVs, phones, computers, etc.  It's hard to hold back on the new shiny objects that come out every week it seems.  Once you get a new phone, a nicer, better one comes out a week later.  Technology is advancing so quickly that it may soon consume our lives.

 20 years from now, I think technology will be so advanced that we may have eye wear that can give directions, and has applications on it.  We may have cars that can drive themselves.  Younger children will be spoiled with newer phones and gaming devices that they may grow up to be fully consumed in the technological world that they won't care about what they personally look like.  We are advanced, but we are advancing so quickly that we may be consumed by it all together.

 I like going outside, I like to see nature at its best.  Not look at it from a picture on some social media website or from the internet.  In 20 years, that may be the case though.  We may just all sit at home, working from our phones or computers and never have to take a step outside into the real world.  Change is coming, I just hope it won't be as drastic as I imagine.

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