Thursday, January 10, 2013

Struggles of a Teenage Girl

We all have our daily struggles in life.  Some of them conquer well over others.  What I want to focus on is insecurities.  As a 16 year old teenage girl I know all about insecurities.  High school is basically a place where you get judged knowingly and unknowingly.  Some people are judged on their bodies, their style, their attitude, and other assets of themselves.  It is hard for some people to go about their lives being as happy.  Most always there is something someone said about them, or they're thinking negatively about themselves.  High school messes with the mind and attitude of the teenage girls in more way than one.

Tethered to the open and free mind of a teenage girl is insecurity.  Lurking on every corner can be a new attack on something they did or said.  Anyone can escape the sayings and thoughts of others, but it's another thing to be able to escape the thoughts of your own mind.  Being a teenage girl I will admit that I have some insecurities myself.  There's always something someone wants to fix about themselves, as the saying goes, no body's perfect.  We all want to be perfect, so we look at all the imperfections we have and we need to fix every little crack in our mirrors or else we will be outcasts.

Having the right body type is critical to most teenage and older women.  Being skinny is what everyone thinks is attractive.  Famous people flaunt that being skinny is the way to go, and having insecurities, girls want to be just like them or they aren't happy with themselves.  What ever happened to wanting to be happy for you own sake?  It seems like every person around the world is trying to look or be like someone else.  Role models are good, but that can only be taken so far.  It's hard to find someone who strives for their own happiness by completing their own goals and going after what they want for themselves, rather than trying to be like someone else.

The mind is a serious and brutal thing.  It can be cruel and nice to you all at once.  Saying to yourself before you leave for school, "I look great" you think you really do, but then you see yourself in the mirror and the mind instantly takes over, picking out every single thing that may be wrong with what you may be wearing or what you look like.  It's how the teenage mind works.  It's always playing games, always finding new tricks to play on you.  To be stronger than your own mind, you have to be confident in yourself.  Only do what you want to do, and push out all of those bad thoughts you may think about yourself.  You are your biggest critic.  The only person who can come over your mind, is yourself.  Only you can make you feel what you want to feel.  It's all up to you.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." 
- Albert Einstein

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